Monday, December 2, 2013

The Holding Principle

Recently, an associate came at me in what I consider an aggressive verbal manner. She thought I had done something to insult her, but I had no idea of what she was talking about. My first reaction was to flare up at her in return, but I stopped, kept quiet, and listened to her.  I considered the fact that this type of reaction was unusual for her. I noted that she would not hear my statements or my request for clarity from her. I remembered that she's going through professional and personal stress. I let her finish, and then I replied,"I really don't understand what's going on here between us. I think I'll just walk away and think about how I should respond. I think I'm gonna pray about this before I say anything more." Then, I walked away from her. I held my peace. I prayed.
We saw each other again the next day.  She walked directly up  to me and put her hand on my shoulder. She apologized. I didn't ask for any explanation. Her eyes showed her embarrassment and sincerity. We are fine now. I'm thankful for James 1:19-20 and that I used what one preacher calls The Holding Principle.
Praise Him,

1 comment:

  1. Powerful and a great example. As do many Christians encounter this, but how many stop and disengage rather then tending to one's level.
