Monday, January 28, 2013


I'm one of those women who carries a large purse for some outings and a smaller, more casual purse for other outings. For example, if I'm about to  zip out to the grocery store, I put my wallet in a small purse and head out the door. Conversely, if I'm about to attend a business meeting, I pack a larger and more chic purse.
On Saturday, I purchased a replacement small purse that was on sale. I didn't take the paper stuffing out of it until today, right before I left to run errands. I unzipped an inside pocket and found a new dime inside. This made me smile and think of an old tradition. Long ago, I was told to put a new coin inside a gift wallet or handbag before I gave the gift. This was to wish prosperity to the recipient. Now, I don't say that this worked, but it was a kind gesture.
Anyway, I'll keep the dime until I return to the local shop where I bought the purse. I'll even offer to return the dime to the shop owner, and we'll likely share a laugh about it.
I wonder if I'd offer the money to the shop owner if it was a 100 dollar bill instead of a dime. Would you? Something to think about.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Kitchen Floor

Here's a real quick tip.
If you want your roommate, children, spouse, or any other member of your household to abruptly return home, all you have to do is mop and wax the kitchen floor. Gone are the dirt and grit from shoe soles, the old spills  and stains that appear to be visible only to you, because your floor is now clean! It is almost a guarantee that once you finish the floor and admire it while it dries, one or more of your people will come home. And of course, they will have to go into the kitchen because they need to go  to the  refrigerator or the cabinet or any other place in the kitchen.  As you watch them track up your clean floor, smile, and remember how much you love them...

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bathroom Tissue

I'm still trying to figure out what to think about this one.
I saw promotional bathroom tissue paper for the first time last week. It looked like regular tissue, but it had a message repeated on one side of each square. The message was from a group that apparently believes humans should go vegan.
The text indicated that slaughterhouses are unclean and that certain bacteria contaminates half of all meat from slaughterhouses.
It seems like a strange place to put information. I've heard of reading while in the bathroom, but reading the tissue?...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Finish Line

Happy New Year 2013!  Sending out good wishes to all.
True story. As I was leaving the gym today, a fellow member I hadn't seen in a few weeks entered. We exchanged hugs and greetings, then she exclaimed, "Hey Sylvia, I'm still reading your book! For real, want to see?" She pulled Behind Church Doors from her tote bag and flipped through the pages to show me how far she was into the novel.  I was impressed, because she's told me that it takes her forever to finish a book. Then she said, " I really like NikkiMac!"  She was referring to the main character in my first and second novels. I'm fine tuning the second novel, which is coming out in a few weeks.
The lady at the gym encouraged me today, and I want to encourage anyone who is currently working on a positive project. Keep at it.  Pray about it.  Go for the finish line.  Give God thanks for your talent and energy.
Keep the faith,