Tuesday, August 27, 2013


This is one of my writing exercises: I choose a visual that has an impact on me and write several words that come to mind. In this exercise, I use a picture. The photo was taken when a friend and I had lunch at a diner in NJ.  I think it was called a Mediterranean Salad with chicken.
What words come to your mind?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dr. G

At the end of my  routine physical checkup today, I remembered to give my doctor a promised copy of my second novel, Beyond Church Doors. His face lit up, he thanked me, shook my hand, and even gave me a polite hug. "I'm going to read it! I read your first novel, and now I'm going to read this one!"
That made me smile.
Take care,

Monday, August 19, 2013

40 Ounces of Water

I went to the lab for blood work today, and it was poppin' up in there!
When I gave my doctor's script to the staff member that registers the tests, she mishandled the urine sample part of the procedure. That would have been okay except I went to the restroom before I got in the line to have my blood drawn.  The tech wondered why the lady out front didn't give me a specimen cup, and I couldn't get in the blood draw line. I was then asked to drink more water and return to the waiting room until something happened re: my urine sample. Fortunately, I'd had 20 ounces of water on the way to the lab. (Hey, I couldn't eat  because it was also a fasting test, so the water kind of kept me full for awhile.)
The idea of staying at the lab any longer than necessary prompted me to drink 4 more 5-ounce cups in rapid succession before I returned  to the waiting room. During that time, a patient felt the registration lady had been curt with her, so she told her off and left. An 11 year-old boy showed out during his blood draw. We could hear him screaming bloody murder.  His mom was so embarrassed. We could hear a cute little 3 year-old whimper a little, but came she came out with a lollipop and dried tears. One man said he hadn't heard his name called, so he'd been waiting too long. They let him get into the blood draw line. Ten minutes later, I was ready, so I requested my specimen cup and followed procedure. Soon after, my blood draw was completed and I was ready to leave. On the way out, a young lady with special needs was sitting on the floor, loudly refusing to let her escort take her into the room with the needles.
I didn't make this up, but it would be an interesting scene for one of my writing chapters...

Monday, August 12, 2013

Another One Gone

Recently, I read another local news article about gun violence and murder. This one had a special impact, because the young man barely in his 20's was one of my former 3rd grade students. This isn't the first time I've read bad news about one of my former students, but each time I do, it hurts. I prefer to see news reports about former students who've been accepted into educational programs/colleges. I smile when I read about former students who announce graduations, marriages, mentoring, and humanitarian efforts. I feel great when former students see me in the city and tell me about their jobs and that their families are doing well. Many teachers and others who work regularly with children develop a sense of : he or she is one of my kids. We know they don't really belong to us, but we also know we are responsible for these students for most of the day for at least 180 days for one school year.
When I read that article about my former 3d grader, I went to my file of old school class pictures and found the photo with the young man in it. There he sits cross legged in the front row, hands folded obediently, eyes gazing intently at the camera lens. Now, he's gone. So sad.
Take care,

Monday, August 5, 2013

Burgers From The Lab

I just saw part of a news report about a hamburger grown in a lab from cow cells. It seems scientists took muscle cells from some organic cows and put them into a solution in a petri dish. The cells grew into strands of meat. It took thousands of these strands, bound together with some flavorings and other ingredients, to form a burger. The burger looked like a regular burger. Experts tasted the burger today. They reported that it didn't taste quite the same as a regular burger, but the consistency was quite similar. I think one taster said it was a little dry. Research is expected to continue.  Much of my beef-eating days are behind me, but I have maybe 2 or 3 burgers a year. However, this concept takes some adjusting for me. Meat grown in a petri dish. I suppose it will save cows.  Science marches on.