Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hoops Found

I found my hoop earrings! Yay! In fact, I'm wearing them right now. I wrote about this in a 3/6/13 post called Hoops, and it worked out just like I wrote. I stopped searching for them, and they turned up. Not like magic, of course. They were in a small purse that I often use when I go to the gym. I grabbed this purse last week after not using it for awhile, stuck my hand into a side pocket, and there were my 14K hoop earrings. I did a little dance when I saw them.
I said I'd keep you posted, and now I have. Hope you find the objects you're looking for, too.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I was in a dollar discount store a couple of weeks ago. When I got in line to check out, I noticed a young lady who looked to be between 15 and 18 years old. Sometimes it's hard to tell, but her conversation sounded more young than old. She was buying a home pregnancy test and I think she was telling the 2  older male workers  at the cash register how nervous she was about the possible results of the test. One of the men appeared to offer comfort by saying she'd be okay. Since I came in on the tail end of this conversation, I wasn't sure about all that was going on. Then, the young lady took her purchase and walked out of the store. The two men looked at me and shook their heads, like they felt sorry for her. One of them said, "I told her to take an aspirin for that in the future. Take an aspirin, place it between her knees and keep it there the next time she feels tempted. That way, she won't have to go through this nervousness about getting pregnant."  
I don't think he meant any harm, but I felt some kind of way about his statement to me. By the time I paid for my purchases and left the store to catch her, the young lady was gone. 
Take care,

Monday, March 11, 2013

Bad Files

As I work at my computer, my phone rings. I usually let the caller leave a message when I'm working, but this time I  answer the phone.
"Yes, this is ---- from XXX Computer Services, and we've discovered that you just  had harmful files downloaded to your computer. These files can give your computer a virus or can make your computer run slowly."
"Who are you, and where did you say you're calling from?"
"I'm calling from XXX Computer Services, and I want to help you clean these bad files from your computer. If you'll just turn your computer on, I'll tell you how to remove these bad files from your computer. Please turn on your computer at this time."
I can hear many other people talking in the background, and the person who called me is trying to keep to a script. I envision a room full of cubicles, with a person in each cubicle trying to sell something or scam someone. I think, "If this person doesn't know that my computer is already on, she is probably up to no good. Not today."  I end the call, and shake my head.
As the old folks say, "I didn't just fall off the turnip truck."

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Like many of us, I have my casual go-to items that  I wear often. I get a lot of mileage out of  a certain pair of jeans, a couple of tee shirts, a certain coat or hat, a certain house coat, some favorite socks. You know, the items you reach for when you're hanging out at home or running to the store right quick, as they say. I have a pair of 14K hoop earrings that I wear almost daily when I'm out and about. They are just the right size, they stay hooked, they don't snag on my coat collar. I like the way they look on my earlobes.Well, I had these hoops, until a few weeks ago. I haven't been able to find them, and I miss them. I have a habit of taking my earrings off when I talk on the phone, but I usually place the earrings in the same spot when I do this. I must have put them in a different spot, because I've searched for several days and can't find them. Maybe I'll do what people used to say when I was small. "Stop looking for them, and they'll turn up when you're least thinking about them." I'll keep you posted...