Monday, February 28, 2011

Personal Analog Assistant

I use a planner, the kind that looks like a notebook, with six rings.  I actually write on its pages with a ball point pen.  My nephew jokes and calls it my PAA- Personal Analog Assistant.  Folks more modern than me use a PDA-Personal Digital Assistant.  Today, my brother amazed me with his app-filled Smart Phone, which does so many things my head started spinning when he showed it to me.  It is impossible for me to keep up with all the tech devices of these days! When I see how much these devices do, I better understand how their owners always seem to have the device in one of their hands, or nearby.
My doctor had the nerve to tease me in a friendly manner when he saw me write notes after my checkup. He told me he used to have a planner also, but now he has  a PDA, and that I should get one so I would not be limited by my old-fashioned my planner. 
Maybe I will, maybe I won't.  For now, my PAA works just fine for me.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Keys, Key Tags & Key Chains

While I checked in at the gym today, a fellow member commented on all the keys and tags on my key chain.  I don't have as many as a lot of folks, but I do have the tags on my main key chain for 2 different drugstores, one grocery store, and the gym.  The gym member suggested I separate my keys from my tags, like she does.  She puts the commercial tags on a separate clip and attaches it to her bag.  I think this is too hard for me, because this would give me 2 sets of things to keep up with: tags and keys. And if I change purses, forget about it. I guess I'll muddle along using the system that works for me.
Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How About That?

I just thought of some wisdom I heard from a visiting minister a long while ago.  His point was to not let people get you all caught up in conversations you don't belong in and make the mistake of giving your opinion about something that is none of your business.
He said to calmly give this  reply to someone who wants you to gossip:  "How about that?'
For example:  Question: "Did you hear that she was having an affair with the milkman?"
Reply: "How about that?"  Then, walk away.  No argument, no gossip, no lecture.
I think it is a cool strategy.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Book Club Discussion

Kudos to the book club at the New Jersey Dept. of Transportation!  I had a lunchtime discussion group with them; we spoke about my novel, Behind Church Doors.  Here's the beautiful thing:  I came with a prepared list of discussion questions, but I didn't even need them.  The book club members had a clear recall of the novel and asked thought-provoking questions of their own.  They called some of the characters by name and even had questions about what could happen to them  in the second novel.  They offered suggestions, gave resource ideas, and asked questions about how I go about the writing process.
This is the second book club meeting in which I  have led a discussion group about my novel.  The first was the Glen Afton group, where there was similar interaction and idea exchange.  I enjoyed my time with both book clubs, and I got much support and several ideas.
It is humbling to know that a group of people can choose any book they want, and they choose to read yours.
I am thankful.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I recently spoke with a friend who told me she was super cautious about germs.  This topic came up when I told her I had read an article from a magazine in my dentist's waiting room.  She looked appalled and said, "I never touch magazines in a public place.  They are full of germs!  You don't know how many people have touched them before you!"
I have to be honest, I never really thought about it much.  I use hand sanitizer pretty regularly, and I do try to keep my fingers away from my eyes, nose, and mouth.
I guess all those years in a third grade classroom have made me kind of brave when it comes to germs.  I survived the third graders' germs, so I guess I don't freak out about reading public magazines or books.  I just had a thought, if I followed my friend's germ theory, I would not touch library books either!  Or books on bookstore shelves! Or the magazines at my hairdresser's shop!  Perish the thought!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Presidents' Day and Mom's Meals

I said prayers this afternoon  for our president and for leaders everywhere, that they will lead in a way that is best for the countries.
I am not ashamed to admit that later, I enjoyed a  "take out"  plate from my Mom's Sunday dinner table.  My husband was pleased that I shared the plate with him. The food was, as always, delicious.  I am a pretty good cook, but there's something about Mom's home cooked meals that cannot be duplicated anywhere else.
Take care,

Friday, February 18, 2011


It's hard to believe that there is only one full week left in this month of February!  I remember the Christmas season like it was yesterday!  Time flies, as they say.
I saw a very patient young mother walking with her 2 or 3 year-old son yesterday.  Mom held the little boy's hand as they traveled  on the sidewalk.  For every step she took, the little boy took three short ones.  She paused after  completing every set of two steps, but his feet constantly moved because he was keeping up.  He seemed to enjoy the process;  he really worked those little legs and feet of his.  She smiled down on him and paced her gait so that he could walk well.  It was such a sweet sight.   It reminded me that many "someones"  were patient with me as I took life steps, and I am grateful for that.  I am especially thankful that God has been and is patient with me.
Take care,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sunny Days and Jump Rope Chants

People in the city were hanging around  outside today!  That's because the weather is marvelous for outside play.  The temperature is at least in the fifties.  I drove past children playing on city sidewalks, and this made me think of some of the childhood chants we used to sing while jumping rope.

"Bluebells, cockle shells, eevy ivy over.
I like coffee, I like tea.
I like the boys and the boys like me.
One, two, three..."

"A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,
To see what he could see, see, see.
And all that he could see, see, see,
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea.
One, two, three..."

"A begins the alphabet.
AB,  CD,  EF, GH, IJ,  KL, MN, OP, QR, ST, UV, WX, YZ." (Each jumper would stay in the ropes for two letters before jumping out.)

Right now, I can't remember the chant that had the chorus of "Lady on one foot, one foot, one foot..."
It will come to memory when I stop trying to recall it.
Good childhood times!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I am multitasking and doing a bad job of it.  I am trying to complete my writing assignment, cook dinner, and listen to/watch the Oprah Show.  I don't usually lock into tv during work time, but I am interested in knowing what happened to hurt the friendship and professional alliance of Oprah Winfrey and Iyanla Vanzant. I used to watch Iyanla and I have read a few of her books. (Of course, any voice I hear gets filtered by scripture.)   At the core of it, it sounds like a communications misfire between the two women.

Communication is so important, and trying to do it well takes effort, but it is well worth the effort.
Gotta go, it's time to chop the green peppers and onions  for my dinner!
Take care,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Old High School

I just got back from a meeting which was held at the high school I long ago attended.   The building looks both familiar and unfamiliar.  As I walked through the corridors, I felt a little  nostalgia.  I also felt  some dismay at how the building has deteriorated over the years.  When I recall the grandeur of the building from back in the day, I feel kind of sad for the current students, because they don't  get to experience the building as it once was.  I can just picture the school in grand form, and outfitted with the facilities and technology of today.  Wow!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Who's in Charge?

I just left a local store, where I went to pick up a couple of Valentine's Day cards and a get well card for some special people.  In the store was a 5 year-old boy in Sponge Bob Square Pants pajama bottoms with sneakers and a jacket.  I would not have paid too much attention except he was walking around the store, picking up items,  loudly telling his mom to buy this or that item for him.  She answered, usually telling him he already had that or they would get it later.  He balled up his face at her "No" answers, at one point, telling her, "Well, I want it today!"    
Here is this little person, demanding items that he had no means of paying for, trying to boss his mom around, and he's strutting around the store in his cartoon character pajama pants.  What a picture! 
Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 11, 2011

My City Birds

I am an unofficial landlord of what I call city birds.  They are small and grayish-brown in color, and  they hang out in the hedges in front of my house.  They do not seem to migrate south; they appear to be here in all four seasons.  In the morning, they keep up such a chatter; it's like they are having the liveliest of conversations.  When I come to the front door to get the newspaper from the porch, even before I open the door, they pause.  They have such great hearing and perception!  As soon as I open the front door, they zip out of the bushes and dart to a spot farther away, but within sight.  As soon as I get the paper, go back inside, and close the front door, they dart right back into the hedges.  It's as if they say, "Good, the human is gone.  Let's get back to what we were chirping about!"
Enjoy your weekend,

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Old Saying #2

I sat in front of my computer about an hour ago, but I have not been able to get much done.  It is not because I do not have any ideas, but because my laptop is having a moment today.  It has done everything from loading slowly, to closing tabs without being prompted, to the cursor jumping back and forth in a sentence.  If I did not know better, I would think a little gremlin was inside the computer, gleefully interrupting my progress.
That is okay, though.  I do not plan to allow a little technical difficulties to ruin my working afternoon.  Which brings me to  Old Saying #2: One monkey don't stop no show. 
I think that is an appropriate example of an old saying for today!
Wishing you the best,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Old Saying #1

Lately, I have been thinking about some sayings I heard a lot while growing up.  Some of the sayings made no sense to me while I  was a child, but now that I am an adult, they do make sense to me.  Some of them still do not make any sense to me, but that does not mean they are invalid.  It simply means I just do not get it.
The old saying that came to my mind today is:  It is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice.
When I was a teen, I understood this saying somewhat.  As an adult, I understand it even better, and I am thankful for that.
Take care,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Super Bowl 2011

I am not a football fan, but I do not have anything against the sport.  The Super Bowl was played on Sunday past, and many people were excited about it.  I think the most exciting part of the Super Bowl is the Super Bowl Party.  I have only attended a few, but the food was the best!  It is all the foods I usually deny myself : chicken wings in many different flavors and with sauces, chips and dips, pizza,  ribs, burgers, desserts, cheese trays, wraps, fried chicken.  You know the rest.  Also, Super Bowl Party hosts usually have a specialty dish that everybody looks forward to eating. 
I did not attend a Super Bowl Party this year.  I was in church evening service at 6:30 when it started. But, the game was still on when I returned from church, so I popped some microwave popcorn and watched the commercials; they are an entertaining part of the show.  I really enjoyed the one about the little boy who was dressed as Darth Vader and trying to use the force.  It was so cute!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Church Work

For many years, I have been blessed to work with young people in church.  Teaching Bible classes, training teachers, Vacation Bible School, and other such work has been part of my fabric. 
Yesterday, I watched some young Christian ladies and their students in church, and I had to smile.  It is wonderful to see ladies who I worked with when they were children willingly take the charge and continue the work with the children.  I am thankful for the many faithful parents, including mine, who taught their children that their talents should be used in the church as well as outside.
Today, I offer encouragement to all the church workers who strive to serve the Lord and others. That is what it is about, helping others help others.  The work of the church goes on.
Wishing you all the best,

Friday, February 4, 2011


On two days this week, I broke my schedule.  Once, I joined my sister for a spontaneous trip to a specialty store.  It only took a little over an hour, but it was a rejuvenating experience.  Another day, I joined my sister and a friend of ours for lunch at a downtown eatery.  It was fun to break the routine!   It was great to spend time with some of my special people.  I am blessed to have many of them.
 I am writing my second novel, as well as doing this blog and another writing project. Writing is a solitary routine, and sometimes the writing gets better when I step away for a bit and interact with others.
I have had playtime, so now it is time to get back to work.
Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Clever Idea

These days, I get my vitamin packs by auto delivery mail because I used to forget to buy vitamins in a timely fashion.  Weeks would pass before I would remember to buy vitamins from the drugstore.  So,  I got the clever idea to order them by mail.  That way, I would always have them at home and would take them daily.  On two occasions so far, the auto delivery has somehow accelerated itself.  I got a box of vitamin packs yesterday, but I still have more than two-thirds left from the last shipment.  There are too many vitamins in the house!  Now, I have to call the company and tell them to hold the next shipment.  Again.  So much for my clever idea.
Take care,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Favorite Things

I was all set to make my nutritious breakfast cookies this morning, so I lined up all the ingredients and utensils.  All was well until I could not locate my favorite mixing spoon.  It is the one with the flat edge, which is great for scraping the sides of the mixing bowl.  I was determined to find that spoon, even though I have 2 or 3 other mixing spoons. 
This made me think about how we have our favorite things, our go-to items, the things we reach for first.  It may be our favorite pair of jeans, our favorite pair of sneakers, our favorite pair of earrings, our favorite gloves, our favorite shirt or sweater.  It may be a special coffee mug, a special tea cup, a special house robe, a preferred wrench, or towel set, or jacket, or hair brush, or hair comb.
We can live without these things, of course, but it makes our tasks easier if we can put our hands on our favorite things when we need them.
I found my mixing spoon in the back of the kitchen utensil drawer.  The breakfast cookies are delicious.
Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Giving Instead of Lending

I listened to an acquaintance rant because he lent a friend some money and it has not been repaid. He said the person who borrowed the money has not even mentioned the loan, like it did not even happen.
This made me think of words given to me long ago by  a wise man.  "If you cannot afford to give the money to someone who asks you for it, then do not lend the money.  That way, if you do not get repaid, you won't be upset, because you gave the money."
It makes sense to me. 
Take care,