Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Book Club Discussion

Kudos to the book club at the New Jersey Dept. of Transportation!  I had a lunchtime discussion group with them; we spoke about my novel, Behind Church Doors.  Here's the beautiful thing:  I came with a prepared list of discussion questions, but I didn't even need them.  The book club members had a clear recall of the novel and asked thought-provoking questions of their own.  They called some of the characters by name and even had questions about what could happen to them  in the second novel.  They offered suggestions, gave resource ideas, and asked questions about how I go about the writing process.
This is the second book club meeting in which I  have led a discussion group about my novel.  The first was the Glen Afton group, where there was similar interaction and idea exchange.  I enjoyed my time with both book clubs, and I got much support and several ideas.
It is humbling to know that a group of people can choose any book they want, and they choose to read yours.
I am thankful.

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