Monday, February 28, 2011

Personal Analog Assistant

I use a planner, the kind that looks like a notebook, with six rings.  I actually write on its pages with a ball point pen.  My nephew jokes and calls it my PAA- Personal Analog Assistant.  Folks more modern than me use a PDA-Personal Digital Assistant.  Today, my brother amazed me with his app-filled Smart Phone, which does so many things my head started spinning when he showed it to me.  It is impossible for me to keep up with all the tech devices of these days! When I see how much these devices do, I better understand how their owners always seem to have the device in one of their hands, or nearby.
My doctor had the nerve to tease me in a friendly manner when he saw me write notes after my checkup. He told me he used to have a planner also, but now he has  a PDA, and that I should get one so I would not be limited by my old-fashioned my planner. 
Maybe I will, maybe I won't.  For now, my PAA works just fine for me.

1 comment:

  1. Get a smart phone Sylvia. It takes a while to get used to them but once you do, there's no going back!

