Wednesday, April 30, 2014


The other day, I had to go through an airport security checkpoint. I was in AL en route to NJ by way of DC. I had no apprehension because I 'd prepped- discarded my bottle of water, taken out my hand sanitizer and bottle of lotion. I was ready.  When I walked into the machine I call the xray machine, stood on the yellow footprint marks, and raised my hands over my head, I wasn't expecting any questions. I was directed to walk through.
Then the screener asked, "I'm detecting an item in your right rear pants pocket. Do you have anything in that pocket?"
I remembered my prepackaged vitamins I usually take in the morning and replied, "Oh, it's my vitamin pack."
Screener: "Please reach into your pocket and take what's in there out." I did that and showed her the package of vitamins.
She took the pack in her gloved hand, looked at it and gave it back to me. "Please step over here. I have to swab your hands." It dawned on me that until my hands were determined to be free of whatever residue she was checking me for, there was a question about me.
Of course, I quickly passed this inspection. Then, she swiftly inspected my hair bun, which had 4 large hairpins in it. I passed this inspection and she pleasantly waved me through. We live in a time when security measures are necessary.
CHURCH DOORS Road Trip Pic @ the airport after my successful security check!
Smiles from Sylvia@

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