Monday, February 24, 2014

Unfriendly Pothole

My most recent blog post here, dated 2/20/14 was titled "Potholes." There's an old saying, "Be careful what you wish for. You might just get it." Well, I didn't wish to hit a pothole, but I did post two pictures of friendly potholes. I wrote about ways to avoid potholes. Two days after my blog post, I met an unfriendly pothole and failed to navigate clearly around it. Now, I have a broken tie rod.
The blessing are:
I wasn't doing 55 mph on the highway when it happened.
I was able to coast into a snow bank off to the side out of a traffic lane.
It was during the daylight and it was warm outside.
I was not far from home and two of my friends' homes were in walking distance.
I have AAA Road Assistance.
Prompted by a call from my sister, a friend came by, got in the car and we chatted while waiting for the tow truck.
A local minister walked by and offered assistance. A church building is a few yards from where I parked.
AAA came came in less than 20 minutes, put my car on a flatbed, left it in front of my  house.
My sister picked me up to attend a scheduled fundraiser that night, since my car was broken.
Our mechanic is fixing the car today.
My husband drove me to my appointments today.
God is good and color me thankful.

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