Tuesday, April 2, 2013

No You Didn't!

I wasn't planning to blog about this today. I had a totally different piece in mind, but I got distracted by something I saw in a no-frills food store today. You know, the kind of store where you bring your own grocery bags and bag your own food. (Please don't judge me because I like a good bargain.)
Anyway, as I pushed my shopping cart down the aisle and tried to decide on pretzel rods or low fat chips for my snack tonight, I noticed a neatly-dressed man hovering by the cookies. He kept moving back and forth near the cookies and looking around. Well, as soon as I see a person looking around, I automatically pay attention, because maybe there's something about to go down that I need to know about.
The man mumbled to no one in particular, opened a bag of chocolate chip cookies a little bit, slid a cookie out, and ate the cookie!  He carefully replaced the bag on the shelf. He looked around some more, walked away, walked back, and did the same thing again!
My first impulse was to say,"You're not supposed to do that."  But, something kept me quiet. Then, he noticed me looking at him and moved on to another part of the store. I heard him later speaking to a store worker in a very intelligent manner, asking where some other product was in the store. He even had money, I saw later at the checkout.
I'm not usually caught off guard, but today I was.  I would feel so guilty if I opened packaging and ate food I didn't pay for, but this guy was totally at ease.
What would you have done?
Take care,


  1. I would have called him out. A loved one could have gone to that store and brought that bag of cookies.

  2. I would have picked up the cookies got to the counter and showed them to the clerk.
