Monday, July 22, 2013

Two Young Helpful Black Males

In light of current events about young African American  males, let me share something about 2 of them, strangers to me, who came to my rescue.  Last Friday, the outer tie rod on my car broke unexpectedly after an almost two hour, pleasant drive from the shore. Back in town, I had just made a left turn onto a busy street near an intersection. When I moved into the right lane and prepared to stop at the traffic light, I heard and felt a thunk  under my driver's seat. I thought I had run over something, but there was nothing in the road. I tried to go forward and nothing happened with the wheels, but the engine worked. The same thing happened when I tried to reverse. Just a churning sound. I was stuck in a lane of traffic in the midst of a 90 plus degree heatwave, and I was bewildered. I asked God to help me and to calm me so I could think of what to do next, and put on my flashers so other drivers could notice a problem and drive around me. I got out to see what was wrong under the car. Then, I called AAA auto service and the police, so they could direct traffic around me for the safety of all concerned. I prayed some more, and a muscular young African American male stopped his car and offered to push my car off the road into a nearby open lot while I waited for AAA. He couldn't, because we hadn't yet discovered the broken tie rod and that the front wheels were turned toward each other. I thanked him for trying to help me. He was so nice. Sooner than expected, the AAA truck arrived. The driver/tech was a young African American male, who  quickly discovered the broken outer tie rod. I called and canceled the police first, then called my mechanic and relayed this diagnostic info. He knew what parts to get so he could fix my car. The AAA driver efficiently loaded my car onto the flatbed truck and took me and my car home. He was so pleasant and respectful. I didn't get the names of either of the two young Black males, but I'm thankful.
God's protection. Awesome. And two very kind young African American males.
Keep the faith,


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