Monday, January 6, 2014

The Quiet Car

I boarded a train with my companion a few days ago, heading back  home from DC. After walking through several cars looking for a seat, we finally found a car with open seats. This train car had an unusual calmness: no loud talking, no cell phones ringing, no music blasting. When we sat down together, I looked up and saw a sign: Quiet Car. No loud conversations, no loud noise from devices, please quiet all cell phones. A voice over the sound system announced that there was to be a library-like atmosphere in the Quiet Car. Many people read books, magazines, and used reading/video devices with headphones. What a contrast this was to the train on which I rode to DC. On that trip, a lady across the aisle alternated from turning up the movie volume on her tablet to loudly commiserating with her cell phone friend about not having a date for NYE.
I'd read about a Quiet Car before, and thought I wouldn't enjoy it, but I was wrong. Our ride home was made much more relaxing and pleasant by the very soft sounds of the Quiet Car.
Take care,


  1. Very nice. This story held a calming effect. I felt relaxed and pictured myself riding on the Quiet Car.

  2. I appreciate your remarks, Jodie.
