Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fashion Forward

If you are a mother, father, grandparent, aunt, uncle, godparent, step parent, foster parent, or other adult who buys clothes for children, you will probably relate to this.  When children are little, they are usually happy with the clothing you choose for them.  You may remember your glee when you found just the right outfit for your little one.  You thought how cute or handsome the child would look in the clothing.  You watched their eyes light up and listened to their squeals of approval- all due to your wonderful taste in clothing.  Those of you with older children in your home, think back.  Do you remember when your pre-teen or teen turned and no longer relished your input on their style of clothing? Somewhere along the way, you  lost your fashion taste.  You became fashion-corny.  Your teens would much rather pick out their own outfits, because they know what's hot.
Those of you who currently select clothing for children under the age of about 10 years, enjoy it now.  The day will come when your fashion tastes and the  fashion tastes of your child will not match.


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  2. As soon as my youngest started talking she disagreed with my suggestions for her attire for the day. I probably thought it was cute at the time who knew it was a sign of things to come. High school was a financial nightmare at times with all her fashion bizarre choices but I convinced myself she might have a career as a model or fashion designer-that did not happen. As karma would have it her youngest daughter is a carbon copy of her fashionable former self with a bonus-she does the lip poked out stomp and folded arms dance whenever she does not like her clothing. I love it. Life is good.
