Thursday, August 25, 2011

Clean Money

Long ago, when my mother taught me how to do the family laundry, she stressed the importance of checking the pockets of the clothes before they were placed into the washer.  This was important, because family members would sometimes leave items  that should not go into the washing machine in their pockets . Bubble gum was a problem with the children, as was candy.  Sometimes a family member would leave an ink pen in a clothing pocket- a disaster.  Some change, usually pennies, would surface.  Every now and then, paper money would get washed inside the pocket of  a piece of clothing.  It was a sad event when the paper money  became bleached or torn past the point of taping it back together.   Recently, I discovered a very clean half of a ten dollar bill in the dryer.  I didn't throw it away because  I keep hoping the other half of the ten dollar bill will turn up.  I have lots of tape.

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