Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Double Standard

Today I heard a man and a woman talk about a show called "The Jersey Shore". (I don't watch the show, but I know a little about it.) The man in this conversation was supportive of a young male on the show who is allegedly becoming more promiscuous. By contrast, he was disapproving of one of the young females on the show who is allegedly promiscuous. The term "double standard" was used by the woman in this conversation.
This made me think about how things were when I was growing up. Sometimes young men were excused for being with lots of young ladies, as long as they didn't get "caught". But "fast" girls were frowned upon by just about everyone, including the boys who were "with" them.
It is a good thing when we teach our girls as well as our boys to honor their bodies.
Peace be,

1 comment:

  1. I suspect that there will always be a "double standard."
