Monday, October 31, 2011


My book signing adventure this past Saturday was  wet, cold, windy, and muddy.  As I mentioned in Friday's post, a storm, actually, a Nor'easter paid the coast a sudden visit. The college didn't cancel the event, so I dressed warmly and drove in the rain to the site.  There were two large white tents set up outside, the signage was clear, and helpful college students were there to unload cars for vendors and organizations.  I was directed to my table and began to set up, but the rain began to blow into the tent on my side. The wet grass under my feet gave way to mud, so I got permission to move to a table more in the middle of the tent.  People actually came out to Community Fest, but not as many as had been expected.  I watched the rain turn to tiny snowflakes to big fluffy snowflakes to sleet to hail balls.  The crowd began to dwindle some.  After about four hours, my baby toes began to feel numb, so I knew it was time to pack it up.  For my treat, I bought a whiting fish po boy sandwich and some gumbo from a food vendor's truck and headed home to get dry and warm.
Although the event didn't turn out as expected, I still had fun and met some interesting people.  Part of going after a dream is enjoying the ride.
Take care,

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