Friday, November 19, 2010

Car Dancing

The other day, I caught myself car dancing. That is what I call it when a song comes on the car radio or cassette player or cd player and that song causes you to react to it in an obvious way. You drive your vehicle, but your head bobs to the beat, you may snap your fingers or your fingers may tap the steering wheel. You may wave your hand and point at no object in particular. The best part is when you sing the song lyrics at the top of your voice and think you sound like or better than the artist who recorded the song. I don't pat my feet when car dancing because they are on accelerator and brake pedal duty. I do, however, make passionate facial expressions that make me laugh when I see them in the rear view mirror when I am at a stoplight.
My most recent car dance experience was generated by a song that I think is called FRIDAY NIGHT. The words JUST GOT PAID and MONEY IN MY POCKET are in it. I do not remember the name of the artist; maybe someone will let me know. It is an oldie, and it is lively! It brings to mind a carefree, festive time of life most of us experience before we embrace Grownup Land.
The only awkward thing about car dancing is when another driver or passerby sees me and does not get the idea of uncomplicated joy. It is not awkward for long, though. The song comes to an end or I drive on, smiling to myself.
Have some good, harmless fun today!


  1. Okay Sylvia, so if I see this woman making funny faces, appearing to be talking to herself and looking like she is having a fit, I will just know that it is you, signing away!
    I do remember that song but I have no idea who sings it.
    Keep signing and dancing...and watch the road.


  2. Don't forget to wave at me! And yes, I always keep my eyes on the road. Safety first. Great to hear from you here!
