Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gobble, Gobble!

It is time for my annual struggle with a fresh turkey. Who designed those plastic braces that wrap around the base of the turkey legs and lock into the bottom insides? Every year, I have to remember the trick for getting the brace off the bird; it is a pull out and up motion.
Basting the bird with butter feels weird. The turkey skin is pimply in some areas. I am tempted to spray the whole bird with a cooking spray. I have to remember to get the neck out of the cavity of the bird.
Seasoning the turkey with spices is okay. I do not stuff it, but I do toss an onion inside. I use a cooking bag. You are supposed to put a tablespoon of flour inside the cooking bag so it does not burst while cooking. I do not have white flour, so I use wheat flour.
My Mom always makes this look so easy. I must have some of her culinary touch, because my turkey turns out quite tasty.
Yet, turkey is not the focal point of Thanksgiving. It is the gathering of family and friends. Every single day God gives us is a blessing for which to be thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving Sylvia! I bet that turkey is going to be great!

