Friday, August 27, 2010


Happy Friday to you!
Just a thought about habits.
We have them, good ones and bad ones. Sometimes, we allow God to help us get rid of a bad habit and replace it with a good one. A person who used to curse may now hum a tune when the urge to curse arises. A person who used to be quick to argue may now count to five before launching into a verbal altercation. A person who used to overeat may now eat to live instead of live to eat.
Whenever you gain a victory over a bad habit, don't look back at it. Don't think you have such mastery over it that you can do it again, just this once. Leave it alone; don't look back.
Peace be,


  1. Sylvia,
    This is a very thoughtful and inspiring post. And one that applies to most folks. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Nikola,
    Thanks for your remarks; they are appreciated.
