Friday, January 21, 2011

Do It Yourself

When I was growing up, I heard this often: "If you want something done right, do it yourself."  Sometimes,  I can go with that.  However, the down side of this thinking is you find yourself resisting the delegation of tasks.  You may find yourself micromanaging folks to whom you assign tasks.  You find yourself worn out because you think you have to have your hands on every aspect of a project.
How many of you have worked with a boss or supervisor who asked you to handle a task and then kept stepping in to see if you were completing the task the way they would?   This probably made you think, "If you were going to keep stepping in, why did you ask me to do this task in the first place?  Do you not trust that I know what I am doing?"
I know how we can use the  "done right, do it yourself " message  without it failing us.  It is when we see a person in need and we help them ourselves.   Then, it is done right.
Take care,

1 comment:

  1. Amen sister! I am the "if you want something done right, do it yourself person."

    And...I think you were just talking about my boss!

