Monday, January 10, 2011

Here Comes the Snow!

I was raised in the northeast, so I am used to having four distinct weather seasons each year.  In the winter, we expect for it to be cold and to snow.  What I have difficulty figuring out, however, is the way people here dash to the grocery stores and the gas stations when they hear that a snowstorm is coming.  It is kind of funny, because it is not like we are going to be snowed in for a  whole week.  Most of us have food staples enough in our houses that we will not starve before the roads are cleared.  As far as gassing up our cars, where are we going to drive to if the roads are blocked? 
You can barely get into the parking lot at Shoprite, because we have another snowstorm predicted for tomorrow.   I guess if there are children at home, they want to have milk for drinking and for eating cereal.  Of course, children also like juice, and sandwiches need bread.  Babies need their disposable diapers.   Others need their toilet paper.  Yet, I see lots of folks in the snack and soda aisles at the supermarket.
Why am I here?  I guess snowstorm shopping is a bit contagious!   Now, where do they keep the olives in this store?
Stay warm and dry,


  1. You know, I was one of those people shopping tonight...and getting gas. Well, the car just happened to be almost on empty! :) The gas stations were packed with cars! Your right, where does everyone think they are going? As for the store...I didn't find the olives, but I did find some salsa and chips!


  2. Oh, one more thing...what does everyone do with their snow shovels? Every year stores run out of snow shovels!!!!! I still have mine.

