Thursday, December 9, 2010

It Is Right Under Your Nose!

One of the many magic tricks children can perform is to lose something without getting out of their seats.
When I taught in an elementary school, I would marvel at how we would be working on a group assignment when at least one student would raise their hand and say, "Ms. Brown-Roberts, can I get another pencil?"
"Bruce, didn't I see a pencil in your hand a minute ago?"
"Yes, Ms. Brown-Roberts, but I can't find it. I know I had it in my hand, but I don't know where it went!"
"But Bruce, you have been in your seat during the entire instructional period. I know you did not throw it anywhere, or I would have seen that. Plus, I know you know better than that. It has got to be here; look for it."
After a few minutes of searching with sincere bewilderment, the student would usually find the pencil, or eraser, or sharpener, etc. It would be in the desk of the student, or on the floor under the desk, or in a closed textbook, or even in a clothing pocket. I used to shake my head and wonder...

However, I find that I have unexpectedly learned this magic trick also. This month, I have lost the scissors, a roll of tape, and a pen in the same way. I had not moved from my chair! Each time, when I searched, I found the item on the floor, or in between the chair cushions, or in my jacket pocket.
I have become my third graders.
It's magic!

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