Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Left Behind

You know the sinking feeling you get in your gut when you realize you left something behind in a place and you have left the place?  It is not quite the same thing as when you lose something; it's that you know where it is and you are not there.  What if someone else picked it up?  Maybe they took it to the lost and found.  Maybe they decided to keep it for themselves.  Maybe someone  tossed it in the garbage.  Maybe...
I am thankful and pleased to report a positive ending to a recent experience like this:
After a routine exam, I was driving down the highway after leaving my doctor's office.  For the exam,  it was necessary for me to take off my watch, my gold earrings, and my gold necklace with pendant.  All of these items hold sentimental value to me, and I wear them almost every day.  Anyway, ten minutes later, I was driving down the road away from the doctor's office when the light bulb went off in my head.  I visualized the three items, right on the floor where I'd left them in the exam room.  Of course, I turned the car around and headed back, my thoughts  racing.
I reentered the office, explained why I was back, went to the room, looked on the floor in the corner- and there they were.  Right where I left them.
I so enjoy happy endings.
Wishing the same for you!

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