Thursday, April 7, 2011

Potatoes and Onions

My root vegetables changed the dinner menu for tonight.  Baked sea bass, stir fried chopped spinach with a little bit of onion and garlic, and a baked potato-that was the plan.  But when I opened  the bin where we store potatoes and onions, nature had taken its course.  Several of the potatoes had sprouted the white root-looking tubers from their "eyes" and the onions had started sending out curved shoots.  Since I do not like to throw edible food away, two simple baked potatoes became a baked casserole of several sliced potatoes, several onions, and cream of mushroom soup.
It is amazing how God makes vegetables and other plants so they reproduce, all for our good.  If I had put those sprouting potatoes and onions in the ground, the growth cycle would have repeated.
Umm, I can smell the casserole baking now.  This should be delicious!
Take care,


  1. Sylvia...I'll be right over....what time is dinner. Ha. I hope it was good.


  2. Here's another thought for those occasions... slice the potatoes and onions, spray a round pan generously with Pam butter spray, layer potatoes and onions in pan like a pie, season with salt, pepper and thyme and bake until done and slightly crisp.

  3. This sounds yummy! Thanks!
