Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Author's Alley 2014

On November 7th and 8th, I was part of Author's Alley at the New Jersey Education Association 2014 Convention in Atlantic City, NJ.  I was able to be a vendor and to discuss with many attendees the writing process from drafts to publication to marketing.
A great thing happened: several people who bought and read my first 2 novels Behind Church Doors and Beyond Church Doors stopped by to chat with me. They wanted to know what's going on with some of the characters in the novel and when the 3rd novel in the Church Doors series will be published.
That gives me even more incentive to  wrap up this yet-untitled 3rd novel and get it to the publisher!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Good Lines

Whenever I hear or read a good line, something that makes me think and rethink, I jot it down or put it in my mental file. Of course, my mental file isn't as reliable as it used to be, so  it's best if I write good lines in my notes. These good lines serve as springboards for me in my writing, speeches, and workshop presentations.
I found this one while cleaning off my desk. Unfortunately, I only wrote the initials of the speaker and a paraphrase of the idea. I heard it about 4 years ago. I think the speaker was making a good bye speech to his /her work team:

There are things that happen we don't like, but we have to live with it.
There are people we don't want to live without, but  have to let go.

This is a good line. It probably makes you think of some event or someone.

Take care,

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Authors and Readers Rock Weekend

https:///www.facebook.com/pages/Author-Sylvia-Brown-Roberts/173724495987225I had the joy of participating in the Reading Divas Authors and Readers Rock Weekend, October 17-18, 2014 in Bowie, MD. There were Author panels, an Author Expo, a Luncheon, and other social events. The best part for me was meeting with fellow authors and learning from them. There were so many talented authors and writing industry people in attendance, and many genres were represented. This event inspired me to push harder to finish my 3rd novel and to increase my networking with others in the writing business. This is me posing at the sign before attending the 2 Friday night panels.  Great job, Reading Divas!
Take care,

Monday, October 13, 2014


A woman colleague and friend complimented me on my hairstyle.
My immediate response,"Thanks, I like it too. My hair in the top is thinner, but I really like the fullness of my hair on the sides and in the back."
She checked me,"Sylvia, never point out what you think are your (physical) flaws, because you notice them more than others do. Besides, most people don't notice them until you point them out. That's when their eyes go right to the area you mentioned."
I've been turning her remarks over in my head. I wonder  if women do this more often than do men.
What do you think about pointing out your flaws?
Take care,

Monday, September 29, 2014

Reading Divas Event

I am thankful and excited to be one of the authors participating in The Black Authors & Readers Rock Weekend on October 17 & 18, 2014!  This will be my first time at this literary conference.  I found about the Reading Divas  from a lady I used to discuss books with while we worked out at the gym. Here are some views of the event brochure. Maybe you can join us in Bowie, MD.  If so, please stop by my table and say, "Hello!"  Sylvia @ www.sylviabrownroberts.com

Friday, September 5, 2014

Last Station

Add caption
I took this picture while riding on a NJ Transit train to NYC. It was a fun shopping trip, as we parents took our daughter to buy school clothes before she returned to college. Much laughter and joy.  
However, something struck me about the words in red on the sign at the top of the train car as we reached our Manhattan destination: LAST STATION. 
At first, it reminded me of a Twilight Zone moment.  Then, I thought about the Last Days, as in the Bible. If our next stop right now is our last station, will it be a good stop for us?
Take care,

Monday, August 18, 2014

Head Math

I'm a Baby Boomer, and when I was growing up, I counted my pennies before I went to the corner store. I needed to be sure I could afford those 5 pretzel sticks at 2 cents each, or that piece of bubble gum at 1 cent each, and that licorice twirl at 1 cent each. Money was tight, so when our parents gave us a few pennies or a whole dime, it was a big deal. My friends and I learned to count our pennies carefully. We hated for the store clerk to say, "You don't have enough money for this."
I found myself counting my pennies again today because I forgot to put shopping money in my wallet before I went to the farm market. I needed kale, nectarines, apples, and bananas to make my green smoothies this week. I put each piece of fruit into my cart and was about to splurge on a basket of fresh strawberries. A small voice in my head said, "Sylvia, check how much money you have." I did. I only had 10 one-dollar bills in my wallet. So, I reverted to my growing up shopping habit. I did head math and counted my pennies to determine if I could pay for the fruit in my cart. I figured that my bill was under 5 dollars. I could afford the strawberries. Nice!
Do you also use head math when you shop?

Monday, August 4, 2014

Writing & Chocolate

This author is mulling over a chapter rewrite. I have to bring a character back to life, because writing her out isn't necessary to make the plot flow well. It's not that she's a pivotal character, but there's another way.
Wait a minute, is that a miniature box of chocolates on my lap top's screen, distracting me from my writing task?  Are those new flavors: Red Velvet, Chocolate, Carrot Cake, and Wedding Cake? Who dares sabotage my progress for today? Excuse me, people in my story. I'll be right back after a sweet chocolate break...

Monday, July 28, 2014

Catching Up To Myself

Here's the ground I covered since last Wednesday:
Went on annual sisters birthday bonding trip with my only biological sister on Wednesday through Friday. On Thursday, we had Swedish massages at a wonderful spa. YES!
Drove back home on Friday in time to join our brother, who visited from ALA, for a seafood meal at Eat at Joe's. YUM!
After our Friday meal, I went home to complete writing and practicing my speech.( I'd been asked earlier this month to be the keynote speaker at the church Graduates Brunch on Saturday.)
On Saturday, I attended the Graduates Brunch (3 precious high school graduates)  and gave my speech and ate a delicious cupcake creation from Sister P. YUM!  I just missed a visit and movie time with my other brother who visited from upstate NJ.
On Sunday, attended Sunday School, morning church service, had early dinner at Mom's with her, my sister, and my 3rd brother. Attended Ladies Bible Class and evening worship service.
Monday (today), slept in, did morning Bible devotional. Went  to Zumba class. Wrote a chapter in my new novel. Treated to curry chicken dinner by spouse, writing this blog post before I run off to church singing group practice.
Gotta slow down. I'm a woman of  a particular age.

Monday, July 14, 2014


Life is a series of lessons. You know the saying, "We can disagree, but we should  disagree agreeably."  I first heard it from a professor, and I refer to it from time to time. Sometimes, it's easier to say it than to do it.
The other day, a colleague and I had a disagreement. The colleague saw a situation one way. I saw it a different way.  On principle, I could not agree but I could not dismiss the colleague's view, because that view was valid to the individual. I simply didn't see it the same way from my experience with the situation. We'll both make a concession for the good of all concerned. And life will go on.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Bust You Up

While in a waiting room last week, I sat near a mother, a grandmother, and two children. One of the children was in a stroller and was quiet. The other girl, who looked to be about 5 or 6 years old, was very boisterous. She ignored her mother and grandmother. Against their warnings, she sat on a toy chair that was too small for her. She pounded the toys in the play area.
"Get off that chair. You're too big for it, the legs are bending!"
"Stop talking so loud."
"Leave the baby alone. She's trying to sleep."
"Cut it out. You know better."
The older girl's response to all these words: laughter and sassy words.
The grandmother finally took the older girl by the arm and sat the child on her lap.The child began to make slapping motions at the grandmother's face. At first, the grandmother blocked the girl's hands, then she became annoyed and said, "Just 'cause I let you mess with me, that don't mean I won't bust you up! Keep it up and I'm gonna punch you in the..."
Just then, the nurse assistant called my name. As I walked to the examination room, I wondered if the little girl was still laughing and slapping at her grandmother's face.
I do know this, if  I  had tried to slap my grandmother or my mother when I was little, it would have only happened once. There also would have been some serious consequences.
Take care,

Monday, June 16, 2014

Sister Survivors

Have you ever decided to skip an invitation to an event, but changed your mind at the last minute?
Did you attend and come away glad that you did attend?  This happened to me last Saturday. Capital Health Systems for Oncology Services held a 2014 Cancer Survivors Day: Finding Your Source of  Strength event. I waited until the last minute to register. I've had a  blessed first year as a survivor. I know the Lord Jesus is the source of my strength. Why should I attend? I found out why.
Interaction with women who have walked the same path is powerful. I hugged a woman who had radiation appointments the same mornings as me a year ago. We could not remember first names, yet on Saturday we reconnected like long-lost sisters. Neither of us had to discuss how we felt sitting in the waiting room in our lovely cancer robes. We knew, no words necessary. I listened to female survivors who had many more challenges than I did, and they are still standing.

 Our guest speaker: an Oncology Social Worker, Psychotherapist, Cancer Guide, and Cancer Survivor. We  had a delicious and healthy lunch. Plus, I won a candle basket!
I left feeling more energized, resolved to continue caring for my health, and thankful to my sisters and as always, God.
Sylvia @www.sylviabrownroberts.com

Monday, June 9, 2014

Please and Thank you

Like many Baby Boomers, I was raised during the days of Please and Thank you. Back then, if someone gave us something or did something for us and we didn't respond, our parents would ask, "What do you say?" Prompted, we'd respond, "Thank you." Even then, our parents would give us a look that said we shouldn't have needed to be prompted to speak our appreciation.
Our elders often said, "You should show appreciation when something is done for you, because no one has to do anything for you."  Adults routinely taught children to say Please, when the children made a request.
It seems this prompt show of appreciation has diminished in today's time, both in adults and children. It can be annoying when you go out of your way to do a  niceness and the recipient acts as if you've done nothing or that you should have done it anyway.
A remedy for the annoyance: when you do a niceness, thank God that He gave you the grace to do a niceness. He sees what you do and He knows your heart. Give God the praise, even if the recipient does not thank you.
Take care,

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I have a preferred pen that I use when writing stories on my yellow pad.  I'm not famous, but like some famous writers, I don't always write using my laptop. I've blogged here about my newest preferred coffee mug. I began to think about other items I prefer: a certain pair of black rubber house shoes from the almost-always-a-dollar store. These shoes mimic the expensive ones in the department stores. I prefer a certain recliner in my sun room, which is a preferred room for my relaxation and reading. I own many Bibles, but I prefer to use a certain one when I study. Its pages  are much worn from years of use. I prefer a certain drinking glass and a certain robe. A certain cooking spoon and a certain kitchen knife aid me when I prepare meals. That's 10 preferred items, and I could go on. But I won't. Instead, I ask you to think about 5 preferred items of yours. Items of which you have more than one, but you prefer THAT one.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Put Some Tape on It

This is a recent picture of me sitting in an aisle seat on an airplane. I have on a red coat. Notice the seat belt, properly fastened. Notice the armrest. Wait, there is no armrest! Notice the silver tape with the writing on it where the armrest should be. I joked with the flight attendant, "May I have the rest of my seat, please?" Thankfully, everything else went well with the flight. I've heard about economy class, but really?!?!?


Monday, May 19, 2014

Cold Strike

One week ago today, I was sidelined by a cold. This is rare for me. I taught elementary school for so many years that I encountered most cold viruses and bacteria via my students. My body had a chance to grow lots of immunity. Since retirement from teaching, I've had much less exposure to children's sniffle germs. I guess I've gotten soft in that department. Last week, I didn't get lots of writing done, missed 3 gym workouts. My singing voice lacked the higher register. No energy. Not cool. Yet, blessings abound, and I feel pretty much like myself today! Pictured is my home regimen, accompanied by lots of rest and prayers: tissues, cough drops, water, vitamin-packed (C and others) fizz-making tablets, ginger tea with honey.
What works for you when you have a cold?
Take care,

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Family Authors

I had the opportunity to work with a fellow author who's also my brother: Dr. Michael A. Brown. We shared a table at the Southside Church of Christ Homecoming 2014 in Huntsville, AL on 4/26/2014. He's a minister, and his 2 books are  Get Thine House In Order and Life in the Holy Spirit.
My 2 books are Behind Church Doors and Beyond Church Doors.
It was a great experience! Next time, though, I'll have a larger poster on display. Can't let my younger brother upstage me! LOL! www.sylviabrownroberts.com

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


The other day, I had to go through an airport security checkpoint. I was in AL en route to NJ by way of DC. I had no apprehension because I 'd prepped- discarded my bottle of water, taken out my hand sanitizer and bottle of lotion. I was ready.  When I walked into the machine I call the xray machine, stood on the yellow footprint marks, and raised my hands over my head, I wasn't expecting any questions. I was directed to walk through.
Then the screener asked, "I'm detecting an item in your right rear pants pocket. Do you have anything in that pocket?"
I remembered my prepackaged vitamins I usually take in the morning and replied, "Oh, it's my vitamin pack."
Screener: "Please reach into your pocket and take what's in there out." I did that and showed her the package of vitamins.
She took the pack in her gloved hand, looked at it and gave it back to me. "Please step over here. I have to swab your hands." It dawned on me that until my hands were determined to be free of whatever residue she was checking me for, there was a question about me.
Of course, I quickly passed this inspection. Then, she swiftly inspected my hair bun, which had 4 large hairpins in it. I passed this inspection and she pleasantly waved me through. We live in a time when security measures are necessary.
CHURCH DOORS Road Trip Pic @ the airport after my successful security check!
Smiles from Sylvia@ www.sylviabrownroberts.com

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Honoring Ms. R

Most of us have people we associate with on a regular basis. They may be co-workers, fellow commuters, fellow shoppers, fellow gym members. We often chat with these people, but we may not spend any time with them outside of the place where we regularly see them. We know their first  names. We may know whether or not they're married or if they have children.
We lost a person like this from our gym not too long ago. She was suddenly gone, with not a lot of explanation. We simply stopped chatting with her at the gym because she was no longer there. Later, we found out she had passed away awhile back.
 There was no opportunity to send a card. We don't know her family. There's a required confidentiality on the part of the gym. She was a familiar presence who we now realize asked more friendly questions about us than she gave answers about herself. She often quizzed me about the characters in my writing and offered suggestions about my stories. In fact, she chatted so much on the exercise circuit that we'd often remind her to go to the next station in order to keep things moving. She accepted this with good humor and grace. One of the brief characters in my 2nd novel, Beyond Church Doors, reminds me of her. We still speak fondly of  Ms.R and her antics on the circuit. We miss her.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Talking to the Moon

I have some items that stimulate my imagination and point me in the direction of daydreaming and
writing my thoughts on paper. This statue is one of those items. It's called "Talking to the Moon." A lady sits on a quarter moon and appears to tell the understanding moon her thoughts. They are perched on what I think is a cloud. The artist's name is Alice Heath. I've had this piece of art and another one for about 18 years, but I don't remember where I bought the two of them. They're heavy and they are from the Austin Sculpture Collection.  I'll show you the other statue later this week.
What item(s) do you have that serve as your Muse?

Monday, March 31, 2014

My Mug

You never know where you'll find treasure. Of course, it depends on who you are and what you count as treasure. Recently, I found a special coffee mug in a thrift shop. I don't usually look at coffee mugs because there are too many of them in my house. But my name is Sylvia and this mug is from Sylvia's Restaurant in Harlem, NY.  I've been to this soul food place a few times and enjoyed the delicious meals.  Now, for the price of 75 cents,  I am the proud owner of a special mug that was donated to the thrift shop and the shop's profits help others. Check it out: 
I may not be the Queen of Soul Food, but my name is Sylvia and this coffee mug now belongs to me.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

1 Year Survivor

A joyful note: One year ago today, I had surgery for breast cancer. The surgery was followed by 33 radiation treatments.  Last month, my first annual post-surgery mammogram showed no signs of cancer.
 In this past year, by God's grace, I have kept the faith and aimed for Christian love and peace with people. I have enjoyed family and friends, eaten better, exercised, appreciated rest, and limited my interaction with toxic folks and stress. The 3rd novel is progressing. God has deeply blessed me, and I praise Him.
Color me thankful,

Friday, March 14, 2014

Lunch and Writing

Today I had lunch with and did a library tour with EB, a nineteen year-old Christian young lady. She writes, and she writes a lot of the time. In fact, she sets a good example for me with the amount of writing she does. We discussed our current writing projects and how we each handle writer's block. Our writing genres are different, but our desire to put words down on paper is the same. I like to hear from young people. I may not understand or agree with everything they say, but they do give me a fresh perspective on creativity.
Thanks, young Miss EB!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Unfriendly Pothole

My most recent blog post here, dated 2/20/14 was titled "Potholes." There's an old saying, "Be careful what you wish for. You might just get it." Well, I didn't wish to hit a pothole, but I did post two pictures of friendly potholes. I wrote about ways to avoid potholes. Two days after my blog post, I met an unfriendly pothole and failed to navigate clearly around it. Now, I have a broken tie rod.
The blessing are:
I wasn't doing 55 mph on the highway when it happened.
I was able to coast into a snow bank off to the side out of a traffic lane.
It was during the daylight and it was warm outside.
I was not far from home and two of my friends' homes were in walking distance.
I have AAA Road Assistance.
Prompted by a call from my sister, a friend came by, got in the car and we chatted while waiting for the tow truck.
A local minister walked by and offered assistance. A church building is a few yards from where I parked.
AAA came came in less than 20 minutes, put my car on a flatbed, left it in front of my  house.
My sister picked me up to attend a scheduled fundraiser that night, since my car was broken.
Our mechanic is fixing the car today.
My husband drove me to my appointments today.
God is good and color me thankful.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


My newest sport is dodging potholes. In NJ and PA and other states where there's been lots of freezing and thawing, plowing and rock-salting, potholes have appeared. There's an art to avoiding them, but you have to be really alert. Driving strategies: straddle the pothole(s), go to the left or right-but watch out for vehicles in the other lanes, slowly creep into the potholes that look shallow. None of these strategies, however, is foolproof. I confess that I've hit one or two potholes in the last few days. I hope my little hoopty (car) holds up as we wait for spring and more permanent road repairs than quick patch up jobs. How many potholes have you met up close and personal today? Here are two that were friendly to my car.
Smiles, Sylvia


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Child's Request

I saw a video clip yesterday. It was timely, because it showed a reaction to the cold and snowy weather we've been having this winter. It was appealing because it displayed the innocence and faith of a child who has been taught about the power of  God.  The video shows a little boy in full snowsuit garb. This 4 year-old boy wields his child-sized shovel against the snow outside. The snow is hard and unyielding. The child's breath-clouds mark his efforts in the cold. He quickly becomes frustrated. He throws the shovel down, clasps his hands with fingers interlocked under his chin, and looks up at the sky. He hollers his request, "Jesus, make it warm!"
God bless the children.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I ventured out in the snow leftovers today to get in a workout at the gym. I don't know if I'll be able to go tomorrow because of the prospect of even more snow, or a wintry mix, as the weatherpersons report. Don't they get really hyped about the prospect of precipitation?
Our Curves gym now offers video workouts by Jillean Michaels built into the circuit training. I've been trying it out, and it works. The exercises are not always easy, but I feel some muscles that have been quiet for awhile. Today's muscle "rediscovery"- my triceps.   On the floor with my legs out, knees bent, feet on the floor. My arms are at my sides near each hip, fingers facing forward. I lift my bottom off the floor, using my arms for support. HELLO TRICEPS! I was too proud to holler, so I kept it up. By the end of the repetitions, I could feel my triceps muscle memory clicking into place. I wanted to quit, but I didn't. I plan to meet up with this routine again this week, and I'll continue until it becomes less hard. That's the way to build muscle. I'll never look like trainer Jillean, but I'll have stronger muscles and the satisfaction of knowing I didn't quit.
Isn't that one of the major points in life- to try your best at doing what's good and not quit?
Stay strong,

Jillean Michaels

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Are You Ok?

While I was in a class recently, the teacher brought up the case of Joyce Vincent in order to make a point.  Joyce was a young woman who died in her North London apartment in 2003. Incredibly, her body wasn't discovered for three years. For three years, no one seemed aware she was gone from this life. Joyce was discovered during an eviction event due to nonpayment of rent. Her remains were found on the sofa. The television was still on. There was a pile of mail on the floor that had been delivered through the mail slot. She had a family, friends, associates. Didn't anyone miss her? This is a haunting case, and it raises so many questions about how lives in this society can be so disconnected from others.
One of the things that came to mind were the words of my late father to his children: "I know you children are grown and on your own, but remember to keep in touch and let somebody know where you are."
Think about this: if you were out of touch/missing for an unusual amount of time, who would be the first person to come looking for you? If you can automatically name that person, with conviction, you are blessed. Some of us are so blessed that we can name many people who'd come looking for us, right? More blessings.
Info about the Joyce Vincent docudrama can be found at www.dreamsofalife.com
Take care. Stay connected.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Lots of reflection today.
I was there for some of the civil rights marches. I was in high school during the riots. I remember being too young to ride the protest buses, but I asked my parents if I could go anyway. They said, "No."
I was shown other ways to bring about positive change.
I remember the powerful, inspiring, and honest words of Dr.M.L.King, Jr.
Years later, I remember teaching my students about this significant man and this turbulent, life-changing time.
I'm thankful God sent this man to the world.
Let's keep pressing on.

Peace be,

Monday, January 13, 2014

Pots, Pans, and Lids

If you're ever a house guest of mine, you'll never have to worry about me asking you to put away my pots, pans and their lids. That's because I stack them in a particular order each time I return them to their cabinet. It makes plenty of sense to me, but to my housemates, not so much. The large pan with the long handle sits on the floor of the cabinet. The pots in size order nestle into each other and are placed into the large pan with the handle. In the back of the cabinet, the lids have their spot.  I stack them open side down, with the largest one on the bottom, the next largest on top of it, and so on. This works for me. I don't have to bend down, reach into the cabinet and clang pots, pans, and lids around to find a certain one.
The people who live with me can't seem to get this, so I tell them to leave the cleaned pots, pans, and lids out for me to put away later. Wait a minute! Maybe they do get my process and pretend not to. That way, they don't have to be bothered with this chore...

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Cold Couture

It's called a polar vortex, and this weather has much of the country in a deep freeze. Among other things, cars won't start, locks freeze so it's difficult to get into your vehicle, invisible ice threatens to make you or your vehicle slide all over the place. There's ice on the inside of your house windows. The house heater runs continuously. Thankfully, we should be getting into the 2-digit temps soon. Even 35 degrees sounds tropical compared to the temps of the last few days. This aren't complaints,  just observations. Sometimes God gives us reminders that He's in charge, and not us.
To survive this cold, we dress in layers from head to toe. While on my way outside yesterday, I looked at myself in the mirror and had to chuckle. I had on socks inside of boots with a fur trim. My  jeans were tucked into my boots. I had on a thermal undershirt with a fleece hoodie on top. I had on a coat with a hood, even though I also had a cap on my head. My hands were stuffed into knit gloves. The collar of my coat was zipped up to cover my mouth, so when I breathed through my  mouth, (because the cold air made the hair in my nostrils freeze) my breath fogged up my eyeglasses. I had a scarf wrapped around my neck.
I looked a sight! Like a toddler whose mother dresses the child in so many clothes that the child can barely move. While outside, I saw lots of others who were dressed in similar fashion.
The polar vortex  makes for some funny-looking winter couture.
Smiles, and dress warmly,

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Quiet Car

I boarded a train with my companion a few days ago, heading back  home from DC. After walking through several cars looking for a seat, we finally found a car with open seats. This train car had an unusual calmness: no loud talking, no cell phones ringing, no music blasting. When we sat down together, I looked up and saw a sign: Quiet Car. No loud conversations, no loud noise from devices, please quiet all cell phones. A voice over the sound system announced that there was to be a library-like atmosphere in the Quiet Car. Many people read books, magazines, and used reading/video devices with headphones. What a contrast this was to the train on which I rode to DC. On that trip, a lady across the aisle alternated from turning up the movie volume on her tablet to loudly commiserating with her cell phone friend about not having a date for NYE.
I'd read about a Quiet Car before, and thought I wouldn't enjoy it, but I was wrong. Our ride home was made much more relaxing and pleasant by the very soft sounds of the Quiet Car.
Take care,

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Pattern Interrupted

This is so different for me. I'm actually writing a blog post on a Sunday, and before 12 noon. We have icy weather conditions  this morning, so our ministers wisely canceled morning services and we have a 3 pm service scheduled. Hopefully, the temperature will have risen by then and it will be safer to leave our homes and drive to the church building.
By now, on a regular Sunday routine, I would have:
participated in singing the morning hymn,
made sure Sunday School classes for children under age 12 were staffed and had materials,
distributed Sunday School books to some members of the adult Sunday Bible class,
joined the adult Bible class if no students showed up for Sunday School,
put classroom materials away and prepared for 11 am morning worship service.
So, it feels weird to be at my computer right now.  I look forward to worship service later today. I look forward to my Sunday pattern of worship, service, and fellowship with my church family.
Best wishes, and Happy New Year!